Roger Stories

Mark Halpern is a freelance journalist, writer, and commentator. He has been falsely classified as a libertarian, sometimes an anarchist, even an iconoclast, but says he is none of those things, “I’m just a lover of the truth, so obviously, everything I write offends someone because no one really wants the truth.”

Of the Roger stories he says:

“The stories and incidents are fictionalized but the ideas they convey are true. The similarity of some characters to real people is intentional. Nothing has been changed to protect them, because, none of them are innocent.”

“The one character that has not been fictionalized is Roger Conant. He is a real person and everything I’ve written about him is true. But Roger was right when he said, ‘Go ahead and write all you want about me, Mark. No one is going to believe you.’”

Curator’s Note: I can only assume that Mark Halpern is a pen name of Randall.