Ayn Rand Books and Resources
The Independent Individualist is not an Objectivist site and does not promote Objectivism, but of all philosophies, Ayn Rand’s is the closest to the philosophy of the Independent Individualist, and in terms of fundamental principles, particularly her emphasis on individualism and reason, I regard Rand as a friend. Most individualists would, since individualism was Rand’s whole purpose in writing—it is natural for individualists to be interested in her works and her philosophy.
There are more books about Ayn Rand, her philosophy, and her life than there are books by Ayn Rand herself. If you want to know and understand Rand’s philosophy of Objectivism, however, Ayn Rand is the only authority. I do not recommend any other author on Objectivism than Rand, not even Leonard Peikoff.
There is only one book about Rand that I recommend, which is that by Mary Anne Sures. All the others misrepresent Rand to varying degrees.
Most of Rand’s works are available in most libraries, and many are available in second-hand bookstores. If you are interested in having new copies of her works, the links below are to Amazon. Keep in mind, ARI (the Ayn Rand Institute) owns the copyrights on all of Rand’s works, and no matter where you buy her works new, some of that money will go to ARI.
Atlas Shrugged The story of a man who said that he would stop the motor of the world—and did. It is Rand’s most important and most influential book, the “second most influential book for Americans today” after the Bible, according to a Library of Congress and the Book of the Month Club survey. An individualist rebellion in a collectivist world.
The Fountainhead A Hymn to the independent individual, the creator that must stand against the world, a true hero. Perhaps her most important and refined work.
We The Living Depicts the struggle of the individual against the state, and the impact of the Russian Revolution on three human beings who demand the right to live their own lives and pursue their own happiness. It tells of a young woman’s passionate love, held like a fortress against the corrupting evil of a totalitarian state.
Anthem The story of the rediscovery of the individual in a collectivist world in which every aspect of live is dictated by the state.
The Virtue of Selfishness Objectivist ethics, which holds man’s life—the life proper to a rational being—as the standard of moral values and regards altruism as incompatible with man’s nature and the creative requirements of his survival.
Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal
Objectivist political theory which holds that rights pertain to individuals
and that only a free society which guarantees those rights is compatible with
the requirements of human nature.
The Romantic Manifesto Is usually presented as Objectivist Aesthetics, but was originally called a theory of literature, which is really the only aspect of aesthetics addressed.
Philosophy: Who Needs It A collection of essays on the necessity and importance of philosophy in the life of every individual.
Introduction to Objectivist Epistemology Objectivist theory of knowledge based on the primacy of existence, the nature of consciousness, and the nature of concepts.
The Voice of Reason Thirty one essays applying the philosophy of Objectivism to real-life issues of philosophy, culture, and politics.
The Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution Originally titled, “The New Left …,” this is Rand’s piercing analysis of the trends, philosophical and political, that lead to the leftist and environmental take over of today’s society and culture.
For the New Intellectual Outline the principles that are the antidote to the ideas that have undermined Western civilization which must be embraced by intellectuals if Western civilization is not to be lost. Unfortunately they have not been embraced at all.
The Ayn Rand Letter, Volumes I-IV, 1971-1976 A biweekly newsletter called The Ayn Rand Letter, was published from October 1971 to February 1976. This 400-page volume reproduces the entire contents of each issue.
The Journals of Ayn Rand A compilation of Rand’s detailed journals mostly pertaining to her writing and the development of her philosophy beginning with here earliest Hollywood Years through 1977.
Letters of Ayn Rand Nothing reveals the person Ayn Rand was like her letters, which also put the lie to almost every criticism of her, revealing the depth of her character, her patience, her concern for children, her graciousness and gratitude, yet they reveal a woman who live by her principles of objective reason without compromise.
The Art of Fiction: A Guide for Writers and Readers Edited transcript of a 1958 private series of extemporaneous lectures on the art of fiction. Covers the four essential elements of fiction: theme, plot, characterization, and style, with illustrations.
The Art of Nonfiction: A Guide for Writers and Readers Edited transcript of a 1969 lectures for potential writers of her Objectivist magazine. Covers theme, audience, philosophy, outlines, writing, and editing.
The Early Ayn Rand An anthology of Rand’s writings between her arrival in America in 1926 and 1938, including movie scenarios, plays, and short stories.
Three Plays The courtroom drama, “Night of January 16th,” famous for its open-ended verdict, plus two unproduced plays, “Think Twice,” a clever philosophical murder mystery, and “Ideal,” a bitter indictment of people’s willingness to betray their highest values.
Russian Writings on Hollywood In 1926, a teenaged Ayn Rand wrote two booklets in the Russia about the American film industry, “Pola Negri” and “Hollywood: American City of Movies.“Now published in English with facisilies of the original Russian. Included Rand’s “movie diary,” in which she recorded details of movies she viewed in Soviet Russia, Europe and the United States.
Facets of Ayn Rand With Mary Ann and Charles Sures—longtime personal friends of Ayn Rand.
Can be read online (and see pictures here http://facetsofaynrand.com/). Begin reading here http://facetsofaynrand.com/book/chap1-meeting_ayn_rand.html to skip preliminary material.
Curator’s note. Free online version no longer available. Old website now redirects to www.aynrand.org.
The Ayn Rand Lexicon: Objectivism from A to Z A useful compilation of Ayn Rand material organized by subject. Edited by Harry Binswanger.
The Objectivism Research CD-ROM
The research CD has been discontinued. I’ve provided a brief explanation of why. I know there are bootleg copies available. I cannot recommend their use, of course, but if you want to learn about them contact me.