Some Freedom Resources

From time to time, as I accumulate links to pages I think might be useful resources to those seeking their own individual freedom I will post them in Daily Freedom.

There are literally thousands of pages on the WEB, supposedly dedicated to freedom and liberty. Most are scams, or useless and I try to carefully weed those out. Whether any of these sites provide methods interesting to you, what they all demonstrate is, however you choose to freely live your life, you can, and someone is already doing it.

Permanent Traveler—Live Anywhere

Another bit of caution. He is associated with the sight Sovereign Man, which is run by one Mr. Simon Black who is associated with the the Scam artist, Porter Stansberry.

Like many of these sites, there are some good ideas, but those that sound too good to be true, are.

Offshore Investment/Business


These links will be added to one or more permanent Free Individual articles, such as “**Online Resources**” or “[Investing and Saving](".