Anyone who followed the original Freedom Forum thread, “The Individualist’s Challenge,” knows of the 18 sites and organizations informed of the challenge, only one responded at all, and that was not to the challenge itself.
The ultimate objective of the challenge is only to verify a claim I made in the Introduction to the Free Individual:
“There are no other pages on the Internet like the “Free Individual.” You will not find the principles of securing your own individual freedom on any Libertarian sites, or Objectivist sites, or anarchist sites, or religious sites, or any so-called Conservative political sites no matter how many times they use the word, ‘freedom.’”
I have no personal objection to anything any freedom-oriented organization chooses to promote, but none of them are promoting individual freedom in the world today. To demonstrate that, I have published a follow-up to the original challenge in the Independent Individualist, “The Individualist’s Challenge Continued.”
I’ve reduced the challenge to four specific questions:
Is individual freedom one of your (site/organization) objectives?
Will your methods actually make anyone free in their lifetime?
Do you believe it is possible for individuals to find true freedom in the world today?
Would you encourage individuals to be free if they can be?
This new version, with an explanation, will be sent once again to the original 18 sites as well as some Objectivist sites and freedom-oriented blogs, and I’ll report the results here, or on the Freedom Forum, or both.
International Living Archive
If you’ve been keeping up with the daily International Living postings, and wished you could see a previous one, I’ve created an archive to all past International Living postings. Just go to the International Living page, and click “II Archive.”