Every evil is an assault on the truth by men who hate it. The greatest danger in any age, but especially of the present day, is that truth is despised, repudiated, and in every possible way obfuscated. Think of the worst, the most despicable evil, the most heinous crime, the vilest act, imaginable; the thing that makes it possible is wanton violation of the truth.
Everyone knows what the truth is, and everyone expects that everyone else knows what it is. (In case you have been confused by the pseudo-intellectuals [philosophers, professors, politicians, and news media] and, “post-modernists,“the nature of truth is accurately and briefly described in the Introduction to Autonomy. (See Reality and Truth.)
The reason for obfuscating the truth and its meaning is always and only to attempt to avoid the responsibility for one’s thoughts and actions. Since this responsibility cannot be avoided, the first and severest victim of every avoidance of truth is the one who attempts to carry of the deception.
Ultimately, knowing or not knowing the truth is a matter of life or death. Those who love and seek anything other than truth, love and seek death, for themselves and all who come under their influence. A passing study of history, distant or recent, is the proof.
Philosophers have a terrible time with the truth. There are all kinds of truth, for them:
- analytic vs. synthetic
- necessary vs. contingent
- logical vs. factual
- á priori vs. á posteriori
- non-empirical vs. empirical
In the world of the philosopher, truth is never absolute and reality is full of paradoxes. This is while the philosopher is being a philosopher. When he is a parent, it is a different story. While he proves to the world that truth, in an absolute sense, is impossible to fully comprehend or establish, he expects his youngest children to know exactly what it is and mercilessly punishes them for the slightest deviation from it.
Those who attempt to evade truth are called, at the retail level, fakes, con-artists, or frauds, at the wholesale level, philosophers, professors, and intellectuals. At the retail level, the names are correct, at the wholesale level, even the titles are fake.
The purpose is the same in every case, however, to gain the unearned and the undeserved. At the retail level, the unearned is money or something of material value. At the wholesale level, the unearned is prestige, recognition, “influence” and “importance.”
Nothing is more dangerous or evil than obfuscation of the truth, especially when it masquerades as kindness, sensitivity, or generosity.
(This is the despicable evil that lies at the heart of “political correctness”.)
Have you ever wondered what the motive behind some of the PC crowd’s methods are? Take the example of calling retarded and otherwise mentally deficient children “special”. This is an obvious obfuscation of the truth. What could possibly be the purpose?
The purpose is as obvious as the ploy. It is to blur the distinction between those that contribute economically to society and those that are an economic drain on it. It is the most insidious form of egalitarianism, seeking to obliterate any sense of value, so those who have no value, except a negative one, have a claim on those who are of real value, the producers.
A popular way of obfuscating the truth is to gloss over essentials and emphasize non-essentials.
(This is the insidious evil that lies at the heart of “diversity”. Essential differences in people, like character, ability, integrity, achievement are ignored while superficial differences, like skin color, ethnic background, gender, idiosyncrasies, and “life-style,” [whatever that is] are emphasized.)**
Oddly, the multicultural PC diversity celebrants despise anyone who is really different, and attempt to force everyone, beginning with children, especially other people’s children, as young as they possibly can, to all think, act, and believe the same thing in the same way. The first really different child, one with more intelligence, ambition, and imagination than average, will be labeled with some psychological malady and given a tranquilizer, sedative, or some other drug to shut him up.
Everyone is different, and people’s differences are more important than their similarities. It is the PC crowd that forgets this when it matters. It is the PC crowd that assumes all children need to be educated in the same way, by the system, and by the same people, that is, the official government education system. In fact, every child is so different, seldom will two be best educated by the same method. Only people who have never had children, or whose children were very dull, could possibly believe all children learn in the same way.
We hold this truth to be self-evident, that all men are created unequal and any attempt to treat all men uniformly is not only bound to fail but is a failure from inception. It is this principle that is at the heart of the necessity for individual liberty. No one method, no single system, no universal rule will satisfy the need of all men, and will, if it satisfies the need of any, be a cruel imposition on all others.
The whole diversity multi-cultural movement is nothing but an assault on the truth. The idea that every idea deserves respect and understanding is absurd. Most of the beliefs of most people are wrong. Most religions are not only false, but absurdly ridiculous. Most popular views approach insanity. What most views ought to receive by everyone capable of seeing through them is not respect, but vociferous contempt. Instead of patting everyone who believes or practices patent nonsense on the head and telling them we understand, we should be pointing out their ridiculousness and helping them regain their sanity.