These comments do not pertain to home-school or private schools.
Intelligent parents frequently find encounters with professional educators exasperating. Professional educators talk as though no one would have guessed education was important if they had not discovered it and told us. The problem is, what professional educators mean by education is not at all what most parents mean, and education as the professional would have it is actually a negation of what the parents really want for their children, because, most parents, really do understand the importance of education.
What parents mean by education is the process of providing their children with those essential skills and knowledge necessary to live successfully in this world. These skills and knowledge include the basic skills, like writing, spelling, counting, adding, subtracting, the times tables, and reading. They include basic knowledge, like geography (what things there are and where they are in the world), history (what has happened and how things got to be what they are today in the world), vocabulary (how to identify things in the world), and current events (what is going on in the world today). They include more advanced skills that combine and advance on earlier acquired knowledge and skills, such as how to think, write, and speak intelligently (English grammar, logic, and creativity), how to solve complex problems (logic and mathematics), and how to understand the working and relationships of the elements of this world (the sciences, chemistry, physics, biology).
Above all, the ability to think clearly and to understand complex concepts when presented is most critical. With this ability, and a little ambition, anyone can learn anything. To the extent one’s ability to think clearly and comprehend complex concepts is limited, their ability to learn anything, especially anything of real importance, is severely limited.
These are the kinds of things parents mean by education. What the educators mean by education not only will fail to provide any of these, it will actually undermine them. The educators are not interested in providing children with the intellectual tools required to deal with the real issues of life, their aim is to train children to be the kind of adults that will be useful to the state.
The professional educators promote the kind of programs desired by the state because it is the state that pays them. The educators are not going to intentionally offend their benefactors.
It is true the real benefactors are the tax payers whose tax money is used to pay the professional educator. The taxpayer, in this case, is like the slave who is hardly going to be thanked or to have his opinion considered, even though it is his labor the master benefits from. Taxpayers and slaves have no choice about being benefactors, so their opinion does not count.
The implicit objective of all professional educators is to produce controllable, compliant, dependent (on the government) individuals which the government can use to create the kind of society it imagines such individuals can be molded into. Such individuals do not need to think for themselves, they only need to know how to follow a program, to get along with others, to be “team” players, but never have any personal aspirations or goals that are not part of the community’s objectives.
Parents who take the time to familiarize themselves with what is going on in today’s schools are usually shocked or incredulous. Both the material and methods are absurd, at best. but to a great extent, are downright evil. The extent to which government schools are now places of psychological manipulation, social programming, and value destruction are unbelievable except to those who have actually witnessed these evils firsthand.
When we were kids we jokingly called school jail. Today, it’s no joke.
Actually, the schools are worse than jail. In jail there are rules of conduct and dress that are meant to maintain order. In the schools, there is all the repression of jail, without the rules that would maintain order.
If you are serious about getting guns out of the schools, the first thing you must get out of the schools is the government. They have the most guns and have no compunction about using them.
The whole problem with compulsory education is government run schools. Until schools are run without the interference or control of government, they will only get worse.