
The essential requirement of human nature is productive work. Human beings cannot survive without producing. Every human need from his basic biological needs for food, clothing, and shelter, to his unique need as a rational/volitional beings, knowledge, art, and pleasure requires productive effort.

The product of mans work is wealth. The more effective a man is at producing the requirements of his nature, the more wealth he produces. Wealth is a direct measure of a man’s success at being a man.

When productive effort creates more wealth, the increase in wealth is called profit. When an effort causes the total wealth to decrease, the decrease in wealth is called loss. Since all activity consumes or uses wealth in some form, any activity that does not produce a profit produces a loss.

When individuals engage in activities for their own entertainment, pleasure, or enjoyment, though this activity does not create wealth directly, it fulfills a human need without which he would not have the energy and purpose for continuing to produce.

When men engage in activities that provide them no direct enrichment or enjoyment which also produces no profit, the activity is correctly called vice. Vice is the correct description of all non-profit activities.

“Nonprofit” is a gimmick for giving government favor to certain groups and activities.

The government is in the business of confiscating money from those who produce a profit for the government’s own purposes, the first of which is to promote the government. One of the main ways the government promotes itself is to grant favors to as many people as it can to recruit their support. Those organizations which are in the “business” of “helping” people, that is, of giving goods or services to people who have not earned or produced them, on the basis of some supposed “need” or “hardship” are often favored by the government. This is useful because it gives the impression that it is the government that is the source of the unearned benefit those helped by such organizations enjoy, recruiting the support both of the organizations and their beneficiaries.

Profit: gain, increase, value, benefit.
Nonprofit: loss, decrease, waste, harm

A society that places a higher value on non-profit pursuits than on for-profit pursuits is immoral and on the path of economic destruction. Any effort that produces no profit of any kind is merely vice. Most of the so-called “charitable”activities of today are nothing more than the squandering of the hard-won profit of decent people on the indecent desires of the indolent.

Non-profit means producing nothing of value, at least not any value anyone would willingly pay for. There is hardly a more obscene name any human action could be labeled with.

Any organization whose sole purpose is to dispose of goods or services without any hope of profit is thoroughly evil. Not all organizations that call themselves non-profit are really non-profit, but most are and ought to be avoided as one would avoid a pestilence.