
There are only two possible views of the origin of man, the creationist’s view and the naturalist’s view. The creationist believes that man exists because their God created him. The naturalist believes man exists because nature created him, only the naturalists doesn’t use the word create, he uses the word evolve.

If God is the source of all things, nature is the naturalist’s god. The main difference between the creationist’s God and the naturalist’s god is the creationist’s God makes all things intentionally and intelligently while the naturalist’s god makes all things by accident and for no reason whatsoever.

The creationist believes that man is the most important of all their God’s creations, and the highest of all the living creatures. The naturalist believes that man is the lowest of their god’s creations, which is rather astounding, since they believe everything their god creates is an accident. How they conclude that one accident is more important than another is not explained. We must assume it is a matter of faith.

There is nothing more cruel, more wasteful, more destructive, or more evil than nature, left untamed.

For the naturalist, nature means everything except man and what man does and creates. Everything that “nature” does, in their view, is good. Everything that man does is bad. Nature sends a flood that kills thousands of unsuspecting creatures - that’s good. Man creates a damn that saves the lives of thousands of creatures, and provides power and water to thousands of human beings - that’s bad.

The gifts of nature include the following: disease, rot, rust, stagnation, plagues, famines, deterioration, decay, destructive storms, devastating earthquakes, and vicious animals. The curses of man include antibiotics for both man and animals, preservatives, vaccines for both man and animals, food production, buildings, highways, machines, and light.

Take your choice

If cruelty, viciousness, pointless destruction, waste, disease, decay, and filth are your ideals, you are a nature lover.

Those who truly love nature learn all they can about her. Nature is ruthless, but not evil. In fact, it is the ruthlessness of nature that is nature’s greatest virtue. Nature cannot violate the truth. Nature cannot be or pretend to be what she is not

The source of all evil is human choice. Evil is any act or choice contrary to or in defiance of the truth. Since truth is that which correctly describes reality, or some aspect of it, and since nature is part of that reality, to refuse to learn the truth about nature and to act in accordance with that knowledge is evil. The study of nature is divided into three main branches, physics, chemistry, and biology. To refuse to use the knowledge of these sciences when dealing with the natural world is evil. The activists that hate technology hate both nature and man, and call themselves nature lovers.

The crackpots who regard nature and animals as superior to human beings and more important than any human concern also like to use animals as examples of how humans ought to live. (It is obvious that many of these crackpots take their own advice.) If we take nature for our example, there cannot be anything wrong with the former Soviet method of solving food shortage problems, just slaughter a few million people so there will be enough food for the ones that are left. That is nature’s method. Produce millions of sperm, lay thousands of eggs, hatch a few thousand so that one or two will survive. If there is not enough food, simply drown half the population. That is nature’s way.

The nature lovers moral ideal is the cowbird.