Autonomist's Notebook

The Autonomist’s Notebook is a semi-satirical collection of aphorisms, epigrams, and comments on politics, philosophy, and religion. While they exemplifies autonomist thought, they are not meant to be instructive. They are meant primarily for the edification and entertainment of autonomists as pleasant reminders of the clear and essential principles by which we live our lives and which make them worth living.

These are the principles of individual freedom, without which neither human life, in its fullest and noblest sense, nor the fulfillment of its purpose are possible.

The Cost of Freedom

If you want to be free, it will be the most costly and difficult thing you will ever undertake. There are no shortcuts. No other individual or agency, especially not any government, can provide you freedom. You cannot “win” it, you cannot steal or cheat someone else out of it. If in the pursuit of your life what you get comes easy, or by luck, or without great effort, or without a clear complete understanding of how you acquired it, whatever you’ve gotten, it is not freedom.

You want to know where to begin? It must begin with an agreement with yourself to seek and follow the truth above all other things. Until you hold the truth above all other things, above all feelings, all desires, all allegiances or commitments, you can never be free and are doomed to perpetual servitude to any irrational feeling, whim, or passion to which you are willing to sacrifice your reason and therefore your will. The beginning of freedom is to free yourself from all those emotions, which uncontrolled, are demons which possess and control you, but under your control become your servants, providing you strength, enthusiasm, motivation, pleasure, and joy in every aspect of your life.

(See below for more information about The Autonomist Notebook)

(For a full discussion of the ideas these “notes” suggest, click on, “[Commentary]” beside the title of any section in which the note appears in.)

Admissions of Guilt





Ayn Rand




See also, Religion, Faith.

The following analogy describes the essential teaching of Calvinism:

“Salvation” is good and is the thing men ought to seek. But, such seeking is futile, because only God’s predestined elect will be saved.

Cookies are good. Suppose a father said to his two small children, “there are cookies on the top shelf of the cabinet. I want you to take some cookies and eat them. If you do not take some cookies and eat them, I will punish you.”

At this point, the father lifts one of the children up so he can reach the cookies, which he takes and eats. The Father does not lift up the second child, and the child is unable to take any cookies, therefore, the father punishes the child without mercy for his disobedience.

Except for the fact that the punishment of God is eternal torment, as opposed to a good beating as in the case of the father and child, this is exactly how the Calvinist’s God deals with men.

Crime and Punishment

When men become irrational, they loose the ability to choose and behave rationally, but retain volition. Since that volition is not rationally controlled, their viciousness becomes completely unpredictable. For that reason, the only protection from an irrational human being is to destroy it.

See also, Fraud.


See also, Government, Politics.

On all fundamental issues, most people are wrong all the time.


Freedom and Liberty

Freedom of Speech


See also, Democracy, Politics.

Gun Control

Most gun control is wrong. Anyone should able to purchase, own, and carry a gun without getting anyone’s permission, approval. or consent, except that no member or employee of any government agency should be allowed to own or carry a gun.


Intellectual Property







See also, Democracy, Government


Public School Teachers

Of course, that depends on what you mean by good. The money teachers are paid has been extorted from people by threat of violence against themselves and their property. The children they teach have been forcibly taken from their parents by the same method. They teach the children what the parents do not want them taught and do not teach them what the parents do want them taught. In a moral society, parties to extortion, kidnapping, and brainwashing are not usually considered good.


See also, Christianity, Faith





Social Relationships

Social Solutions

There are only individual problems.


(In classic terms it is, “do nothing unto others, because that is what you would have them do unto you, unless your are an idiot.”)

Superstition (Faith)

See also, Christianity, Religion.


In the world of the philosopher, truth is never absolute and reality is full of paradoxes. This is while the philosopher is being a philosopher. When he is a parent, it is a different story. While he proves to the world that truth, in an absolute sense, is impossible to fully comprehend or establish, he expects his youngest children to know exactly what it is and mercilessly punishes them for the slightest deviation from it.

( This is the despicable evil that lies at the heart of “political correctness”.)

(This is the insidious evil that lies at the heart of “diversity”. Essential differences in people, like character, ability, integrity, achievement are ignored while superficial differences, like skin color, ethnic background, gender, idiosyncrasies, and “life-style,” [whatever that is] are emphasized.)



So, there will always be war, because all young men are stupid and brash. It might help if we stopped calling something that depends on the stupidity of a whole class of people noble, brave, and good, and stopped calling the stupid dead, heroes.

About The Autonomist’s Notebook

We hope you enjoy The Autonomist’s Notebook. We say enjoy, not agree with, because we know very few people will agree with many of the ideas expressed, and most will disagree with the whole lot. Nevertheless, we believe most people can enjoy this page for many reasons: as a challenge to views they have long held without examination, as a stimulus to reason, as a stimulant to their emotions (most likely ire), for some, maybe a laugh or two, and for a smaller number, a rare, “YES!,” on discovering the truth they have always suspected or silently believed, here blatantly and unabashedly stated.

With the exception of the handful of credited quotes, the content of the Autonomist Notebook is original. Feel free to quote the Autonomist liberally. Liberal credit will be appreciated but we won’t sue if you forget.

If you think the purpose of The Autonomist’s Notebook is to convince anyone of anything, to advance a cause or promote a movement, it is not. The autonomist knows one thing, you cannot change people, and God only knows how much time, effort and money has been spent on that futile effort, or how much pain, suffering, and misery has been caused by it. This page is for sale; the price is the interest and appreciation of any who enjoy it, including the enjoyment it has given its creator.